Our leadership team

Meet the amazing team behind MTs Sunan Muria Cilimus

Eka Ayu Oktavia, S.Pd.
Eka Ayu Oktavia, S.Pd.

Kepala Madrasah

Taufik Hidayat, S.Pd.
Taufik Hidayat, S.Pd.

Wakil Kepala Bid. Kurikulum

Nurlaila, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Nurlaila, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Guru & Tenaga Kependidikan

Together we are strong

Andriyani Setiawati, S.Pd.
Andriyani Setiawati, S.Pd.

Guru PKN, Bahasa Indonesia

Darrell Steward
Darrell Steward

Product Designer

Dolor aut nobis est.

Guy Hawkins
Guy Hawkins

Computer Programmer

Sed quos non est autem quod placeat.

Ronald Richards
Ronald Richards

Data scientist

Molestiae sit nostrum sit nam.

Kathryn Murphy
Kathryn Murphy

Network administrator

Sit facere in facere. Perferendis tempore labore omnis eaque.

Floyd Miles
Floyd Miles

Computer analyst

Illum eos quibusdam consequatur dignissimos.

Devon Lane
Devon Lane

Computer scientist

In suscipit cum qui accusamus cum est. In ut doloremque non voluptas deserunt quia.

Cameron Williamson
Cameron Williamson

Product Designer

Unde et quae doloribus nostrum cum.

Core values

We break down barriers so teams can focus on what matters – working together to create products their customers love.

  • Customers First

    Our company exists to help merchants sell more. We make every decision and measure every outcome based on how well it serves our customers

  • Act With Integrity

    We’re honest, transparent and committed to doing what’s best for our customers and our company. We openly collaborate in pursuit of the truth. We have no tolerance for politics, hidden agendas or passive-aggressive behavior.

  • Make a Difference Every Day

    Our company exists to help merchants sell more. We make every decision and measure every outcome based on how well it serves our customers.

  • Think Big

    Being the world’s leading commerce platform requires unrivaled vision, innovation and execution. We never settle. We challenge our ideas of what’s possible in order to better meet the needs of our customers.

  • Do the right thing

    Integrity is the foundation for everything we do. We are admired and respected for our commitment to honesty, trust, and transparency.

  • Stronger united

    We’ve created a positive and inclusive culture that fosters open, honest, and meaningful relationships.

From our blog

Aenean velit nisl, aliquam eget diam eu, rhoncus tristique dolor. Aenean vulputate sodales urna ut vestibulum

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